Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Welcome to QuadBlogging!

You have been allocated a brand new Quad. You will be Quad51 and the other Year 5/6 classes are located in America and the United Kingdom. Here are the links you will need to log onto their blogs and leave comments:

Rossmere school,  Ellesmere Port
Stocklmeir Elementary School in America – Their blog is
Eason Elementary – Their blog is

Let's get blogging! Looking forward to seeing all the comments from our new quad-blog school friends!

Here’s a video created by pupils in America, New Zealand and Australia about QuadBlogging:

Thursday, 23 March 2017

4CF Bridges by Jodie

Dear F.S Diary,
Last week in forest school we had to build bridges. We had to create mini bridges and large bridges. The mini bridges had to hold a toy dinosaur. The large bridge had to hold a teacher. Most of the bridges held the teachers some didn’t. There was also gardening we had to paint the borders.

By Jodie 4CF

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Building Bridges! 5JJ

Take a look at our BIG and small bridges! Some we made human sized, making them strong enough to hold our team. Some we made tiny for toys, to see which design was most successful. What do you think? 
By 5JJ

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Morse Code Secret Messages- Can you crack the code?

Can you work out what these dashes and dots say to find where the creature was hidden in forest school?

4CF created Morse code clues using sticks and stones, they did a fantastic job and all the creatures were found! Well done!

Oliver the Pond Whisperer!

Oliver has been living up to his nickname this week by catching 3 newts from the pond.
He said "One had a thin tail, the other had a thick tail and one had orange stripes." Oliver is going to research to find out what these characteristics mean. Can you find out before him?

Friday, 3 March 2017

Forest creatures 4cf

Today in  4cf we went  to  the garden to  pick  leaves, sticks and stones, then we went back into the class room to make our forest creatures. We designed them to look real using materials from the garden. When we have finished them, they might look like a proper animal.  We will put up some photos when they are complete. What did you make? Thanks. By Finley 4cf

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Pancake Day

This half term, we were very lucky to start back at forest school on pancake day!
The rain meant we couldn't have a campfire so 3LE made mud pancakes instead!
We even had our own Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood to judge the best.
Photos to follow!

The sunshine shone on Wednesday so 6NA had the real thing! Sous chef Seb poured the mix and provided the whole class with pancakes. "This is delicious" was one of the many comments. Well done Seb!

What word would you use to describe your pancake?